Elizabeth #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com
[On the film Wicked, which depicts male school pupils wearing uniforms with skirts]
I also went with my kids and their friends, preparing to sort of enjoy it, not prepared for the uniforms etc.
It also infuriated me. How dare authorities let this happen. Really. I know somewhere in there I sound like a bigot, but to me this akin to the creep of S&M into children's fashion. For any vulnerable child this would be disastrous.
And it WILL build the ranks of the TRA armies- from those ignorantly/lazily pseudo compassionate supporters to the radical supporters.
Unfortunately, the highly intelligent and talented are targets from being ostracised at a young age at school, and the neurodiverse, of which I am part of the ranks. These are children who think in black and white, believe what they are told or read online, are bullied mercilessly at school for their differences, have inabilities to self advocate or adequately defend against bullies, excel in music and drama and find refuge with other like- minds in music and drama.
I feel so so so so much for them and their families. Why the heck couldn't the movie'Wicked' highlight a whacking bunch of obviously autistic kids who end up heroes because of their strengths and special interests? THAT would be more compassionate and helpful than applauding a surface/ cosmetic difference that will inevitably harm kids.