Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #sexist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Le programme d’Henry de Lesquen pour ressusciter la famille" - "Henry de Lesquen's platform to resurrect the family"]

Here's a 10-points plan to resurrect the family:
1. Constitution shall state marriage shall unite only two persons of opposite genders[…]
3. Christian marriage shall be recognised by law and dispense of civil marriage
4. Couples shall be recognised only in marriage. PACS shall be abolished [PACS is a civil union in France]. Concubinage shall be ignored
5. Authority. Restoration of the Head of Family. It shall be the oldest spouses, apart if they decide otherwise while marrying
6. Outside of testament and child maintenance, adulterous children shall not have rights at the expense of legitimate children[…]
8. National preferance. Allowances and other aids shall be reserved to French families only
9. The 1975 Simone Veil law shall be repealed. It shall be a felony to kill a child in his mother's belly
Abortion shall be allowed in cases of rape[…]
10. Real universal suffrage. The Head of Family shall vote for his minor children



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