various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy

RE: The colonisation of lesbian & bisexual women’s spaces by TIMs - the canary in the coal mine?

( unlearningtrans )
Lesbian community (which includes bisexual women) has been ravaged by pornography, polyamory, Trans, and kink. Men have colonized our spaces. It’s ruined dating—just hop on Lex or HER, and it’s taken from us our bars, our festivals, and our right to exist and call ourselves bisexual or homosexual women. It makes me fucking furious. Being pro-reality as a lesbian is to be a parish today—I think it’s bigger than the TIMs though. They are awful and we need to resist them but we need to resist the Queer bullshit as well. All that keeps me sane are the lesbians who came before me like Julie Bindel that know this shit is not new.

( Carrots90 )
And all the butchered young lesbians. Trying to be a simulacrum of short, straight men


( unlearningtrans )
Horrific. Conversion therapy in a vile and violent form.

( mathlover )
They violate personal space because they get off on it. They talk about being touch starved. Well, yeah. No lesbians and very few bi or het women want to get anywhere near these guys. So they get way too close to any woman if there is an opportunity. They know women will feel uncomfortable or even defiled but won't say anything. And if a woman does complain, the man will make a scene and aggressively harass the woman for being a "bigot". This sense of "power" and violation of women's bodies and personal space gets them off and provides mental masturbation fodder for later on when they cry about being rejected by women (lesbians) who will never want them.

( sarstan )
My theory is that the movement is to sexualize society so that men can access whomever and whatever they want, wherever, whenever, however and why-ever they want. We will have fetishes everywhere in public life.

( [Deleted] )
Yeah a new friend of mine and I discussed this (she’s a rad fem) and she said exactly that. TIMs access to and garnering sympathy from society for their fetishising of woman hood and as well as that society encouraging those lib fems to embrace sex work and pornography as empowerment



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