"holy shit! anon-e-moose, that was the single biggest and dedicated godwin i've ever seen! +1 internet to you!"
Well, these right-wingers - by their very way of thinking - only serve to bring such upon themselves; it's their own fault! When they know the only possible way of not being equated with Hitler & his more than infinite evil: become left-wing, Atheist, and Pro-Choice. The same can be said of their 'God':
And a great advertisement for Satanism, BTW, fundies. Seems that, in the 'reading the Bible cover-to-cover - with a questioning, nay, cynical eye - scheme of things', it's Lucifer who is the good guy in all of this (as in 'Bringer of Light' - and not just Good as a whole: Illuminating* people - and thus the Human Condition as a whole - with Knowledge. Facts), and it's your so-called 'God' who is the Evil One; he even admits it in his 'Word' (emphasis added):
Isaiah 45:7: 'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.'
Amos 3:6 "Does the trumpet alarm sound in a city, without the people being afraid? Does evil happen to a city, and Yahweh hasn't done it?"
...oh, and no 'Interpretation', nor 'fable & metaphor' allowed; either it's literal throughout, cover-to-cover, word-for-word, letter-for-letter, to be obeyed literally, as it was God himself who wrote such, or be proven to be the lies & bullshit throughout, cover-to-cover, word-for-word, worse than fiction & fairytales written by uninspired Bronze Age goatfuckers with ideas above their stations, and were flawed & imperfect, who wrote flawed, imperfect & contradictory shit that has no right to exist - certainly as a 'belief' in sane people's minds.
Hitler: tyrannical dictator who unjustifiably murdered people - who he thought 'undesirable' - for the crime of existing. To a certain someone in this thread (and FSTDT as a whole) who shall remain clueless, I see no difference between Hitler and your 'God'. Now care to give us just one good reason why we Atheists should - even (for the sake of argument) if he does 'exist' - acknowledge or respect such a deity, never mind worship such a monster? You. Tell. Me.
Free Offer! God's Unconditional# Love!
#- Terms and Conditions apply.
*- And just as like Hitler was a tyrannical dictator, ergo God is, there were those (the Resistance, Allies etc) who sought to oppose such an unjustifiably egotistical (and unquestionably worshipped by his followers) way of thinking, nay, existence. Wasn't Lucifer's motive to oppose an (at least) equally unjustifiably egotistical way of thinking - as per his followers - and existence...?
Like Hitler, God = Big Brother in Orwell's "1984". True Freedom = Thinking for yourself. And nobody else has the right to impose their unjustifiable 'beliefs' on you. Otherwise, threatening those who won't convert to their way of thinking = Nazism.
Threats of 'Turn or Burn' = Nazism.
Moral: Hitler hated Freedom. Democracy. Individual Human Rights. Do you right-wing fundies want to be equated with Hitler & Nazism? Well then. STFU.