Conservapedia #fundie #pratt

Carl Sagan was also an avid marijuana smoker who claimed marijuana gave him scientific insights.[2] Sagan's avid pot smoking and agnosticism no doubt inspired Sagan's pseudoscientific fantasies that he foisted on his gullible fans. For example, Sagan alleged that evolution was a "fact".[3] Thomas Henry Huxley, the English biologist, known as "Darwin's Bulldog" for his vehement advocacy of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, was an agnostic. The Barna Group found that those who hold to the worldviews of agnosticism and in atheism were more likely, than theists in America, to look upon the following behaviors as morally acceptable: illegal drug use; excessive drinking; sexual relationships outside of marriage; abortion; cohabitating with someone of opposite sex outside of marriage; obscene language; gambling; pornography and obscene sexual behavior; and engaging in homosexuality/bisexuality.[4]



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