Branton & Timothy Green Beckley #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut
If, as the late J. Allen Hynek claimed, over 1 in 40 people have been abducted and 'processed' by the 'alien/secret government' agenda then you are bound to know SOMEONE who is an abductee and KNOWS it. This information is for THEM.
For those who are not "UFO Abductees", the information in this file is nevertheless vital and applicable, and may one day save your life!!! If you believe that information about "Aliens" is only for those who have lost all touch with reality, then PLEASE accept that information in this document that you CAN accept, and pass over the rest, at least for now. Your future may depend on it.
This file contains the most intricate and intimate details of a global conspiracy which seems to be rooted in an alien - military - industrial collaboration which is intent on bringing all freedom-loving peoples of this world under its control, through the implementation of a global government which has commonly been referred to as the 'New World Order'.
. Consider this a declaration of WAR against those eco-political forces and their draconian backers who would destroy our prosperity and freedom for their own fleeting material gain. So with no further introduction, we repeat the words of Louisiana District Attorney and JFK assassination investigator James Garrison, who boldly stated before leaving this world... "LET THE TRUTH BE TOLD, THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL!"
BONUS! This large size - 8xll book, weighing nearly two pounds -- describes how German engineers actually flew flying saucers shortly before the end of World War Two and how some of the dreaded Nazi's actually escaped due to help from U.S's own version of the Secret Government...and how they actually do their work today from underground bases around the world. SPECIAL SECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS OF NAZI BUILT FLYING SAUCERS and stories told by our own pilots of encounters with so-called Foo Fighters during the war. Here is final proof that not all UFOS come from outer space!