various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Apolitical )
A lot of republican voters don’t know this but yes, it is racist to ask blacks to act like normal functioning non-violent members of society

( @Rodger_james )
@Apolitical They can’t function properly in a Western society because they are not Western and don’t understand Western values much like their #Jewish handlers.

( @TimfromNashua )
@Apolitical IT'S OK TO BE RACIST

( @debbyloo )
They're incapable, halfape, subhumans.
I live in the South, it's quite obvious they're not fully evolved Human species.

( @son_of_amalek )
@Apolitical "Whyt bois be sayun dat blatt pypo be violent n shiet but I bet y'all wouldnt say dat to a blk pursuns face! I'd kill any yt muhfugga dat try to make duh false claim dat black peepoo be voilent on gawd nigguh. Y''ALL yts be duh ones that is actually violent, I'd beat the brakes offa any one who be sayin different. SHIEEEET."

( @Seekeroftruth42 )

You cannot ask what they cannot accomplish. It is simply beyond their mental capabilities due to nature. The makeup of their simple minds will not allow them to control their habitually violent tendencies, which makes them unfit to safely introduce into a modern society. They should be listed on the evolutionary chart somewhere in between a Bonobo chimpanzee and Homo sapiens. Simply put, they are not evolutionarily ready for mankind

( @Biggiebaby )
@Apolitical You're assuming that they comprehend what thoes requirements are.
See, the problem isn't skin color, that is ancillary, it's EVOLUTION...
They just haven't developed the cognitive ability to see such things.

( @JanusIanuarius )
@Apolitical Depends on the tribe and admixture. Shem's people and many of the Tribes of Israel are good, you need to watch out for pure Beta with no prefrontal cortex mixed with RH- blood. These hybrids = Canaanites.

( @bornin1518 )
@Apolitical Sadly yes. They are incapable, because they are inferior.

( @WilliePCummings )
If it takes 40 acres and a mule, fine... RESEGREGATE

( @John_Madison )
@Apolitical Asking is one thing but doing is another. You can't civilize a wild animal. You can tame it for a while but eventually the instinct to kill and harm will overcome especially with their low IQ and low impulse control.



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