variuos commenters #transphobia
RE: By barring trans women from women’s sports, NCAA sides with bigots
( OneStarWolf )
It’s the complete opposite, you gaslighting poor excuse for an article. Biology is a bigot then. But really, the writer of this article is a raging, bigoted misogynist piece of crap that really thinks women’s reality is not worth respecting as long as a man’s feelings aren’t put first. Fuck off, dude.
( worried19 )
I wish MSN had the comments open. No way they would have been favorable to this idiot.
This level of delusion takes some work. I know the author is trans identified. Has he truly convinced himself that there are no physical differences between male and female athletes? Or he knows there are differences and just doesn't care?
( Lillith )
If he didnt think there were differences, he wouldn't insist on accessessing women's spaces. It would be all the same.
As it is, he knows that women are weaker and make an easier target than say, the male twinks that he may (also) be into.
( Terfisnotadirtyword )
It's so funny that comments for every pro trans story are turned off. It's almost like they know that people are massively against it and will say so! But how insecure that they can't even allow a conversation to happen.
( DurableBook )
I mean sure, I bet there are some bigots who happen to agree that transwomen are men. There are also lots of bigots who agree that it's cold out in the Midwest right now. Is the National Weather Service "siding with bigots" if it issues winter weather advisories?
( asmahan )
And vegetarians side with Hitler. I am glad to see that this particular line of "reasoning" is starting to lose its power a bit.
( Arenlaef2 )
We don't care, lol. That word holds no power anymore. Personally, I think it's pretty bigoted to tell women to be quiet and smile when cheating men take their spots on teams and awards, or walk around with their dicks out in their locker rooms but I consider women to be human beings worthy of respect, which TRAs do not.
Anyway 8 out of 10 people are bigots then. And the extra two can scream and stop their feet and tear out their hair but women's sports will continue to be for women. Have all the tantrums you want. No one cares.
( TheSimbul )
Reality is a bigot, then.
( Itzpapalotl )
Reality, nature, biology...All bigots!