“GloriousMartyrdom” / EmpathicDesign #sexist #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com
I see that "Robert" is it, likes to withhold information from boths sides, which includes apologies from former member EmpathicDesign for his homophobic and tasteless remarks from the past. He also did not mention that ED politely insisted that "Robert" remain impartial between this SarahGreaserGirl and not involve himself as he was not invited by either of them and when he refused to leave he started listing off some seriously uncool insults like "incest, trash, scum, dirtbag". There are two sides to every story and as a mother raising a son, I will never allow him to act like a little boy who thinks he can just insert himself into conversations that has nothing to do with him!! Especially have a hissy fit and start insulting people, goodness knows if "Robert" did this in the streets he may not become confrontational and violent! Now look, I'm not here to sway you, but you deserve both sides of the story as you have already heard one side and as for the meme about a lesbian who uses her access to female safe spaces, how do you think that makes me feel? How do you think you would feel? It's not funny, it's scary. I hope you understand.