woodchip #wingnut #racist descentbb.net

So my old Alma Mater, Michigan Statue U. had a mass shooting. While nothing new, what is different is the shooter was arrested a few years prior on a gun charge but the the county prosecutor and the judge felt sorry for him and reduced his charge to a misdemeanor. This meant he could still go out and buy a firearm ...which he did and the rest is history:


The other thing is the shooter was not a student nor did he have anything to do with MSU. Yet he went to the campus to do his shooting. Why?
I suspect it was because it's a a gun free zone. Anyways in this instance the shooting is a direct cause of a liberal prosecutor feeling sorry for a black resident and reducing a charge that may of prevented the shooting. Maybe it is time to be able to sue prosecutors when they don't follow the law.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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