various commenters #transphobia

RE: Poll results revealed! (How long will it take the Democratic Party to drop the trans agenda?)

( Chronicity )
I voted 1-2 years, even though I think it will be closer to 2-3 years.

Midterms are going to be the test. Between now and then, the TRAs are going to be in full tantrum mode as the GOP goes after trans medicine. The American public is soon going to learn that they were sold an ugly lie: none of it is evidence-based. It’s just unscrupulous doctors experimenting on troubled youth and the mentally ill, and there is no scientific basis for any of it.

I’m actually hopeful that in two years, more than 70% of the electorate will see this as a human rights atrocity. The Dems will be unelectable if they don’t drop this issue by then.

( NaturalBornXXFemale )
I really do this this trans shit was a BIG thing that lost the election. Identity politics in general, but when you can't even say the word "women" without offending self proclaimed feminists even the right knows there's a problem.

( pennygadget )
It was identity politics combined with the left being WAY more tribal than the right. Right wing spaces are generally welcoming and safe for the politically homeless. But God help you if you're in a leftist/progressive space and you express ONE opinion that goes against established dogma even just a little bit.

This is what pushed a lot of otherwise left leaning people to either vote red or sit this one out

( PeregrineWitch )
I saw a clip from Trump's innaugural address where he said 'there are only two genders: male and female" and got a lot of applause and a (mostly) standing ovation. This definitely underscores for the degree to which people who've been silent are feeling free to speak after years of woke cancelling. I would hope the Dems are taking note, but most of them seem to be digging in deeper.

( pennygadget )
Some Democrats would rather see the Democrat party burn to the ground and lose the next 10 elections than turn their backs on their AGP masters.

If only they felt this strongly about actual women.

( DeafCatMeow )
I can only hope that with the Dems dropping it, actual leftists in the EU and other parts of what we consider the West, will also drop it.

( ice )
I think some activists are going to walk away from it. I can see trans stuff being seen more like furries are seen today. Like, you do you, but that's nasty…



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