
Declan Finn #fundie #wingnut #psycho declanfinn.substack.com

Now that the French, especially the artist, have admitted that yes, we were insulting Christians and promoting pedos in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, and we're going to throw in the Golden Calf just for kicks, we can have a discussion. That discussion is, why do we care?

Let's face it, this is not new, nor is it really news. If you've been Christian and awake for the past 30 years, the mainstream has lumped all of us together, and summed us up by only the fringiest of fringe weirdos. We're pissed about this only because the Olympics rubbed our noses in it during what was supposed to be a PG (at worst) moment of primetime. It was going to be a family moment. Instead, we had a collection of perverts flashing X-rated parts at us, while also insulting a third of the world's population direction.


Do you believe in God? If the answer is yes, then the f***ers behind the Olympics are going to come for you eventually. Unless you push back.

Yeah, I’m all for glassing Gaza. I'm for throwing campus rioters into GITMO … right next to "Jane's Revenge." I'm for hate crime legislation for anyone who burns a Synagogue or Church. Maybe if Christians and Jews band together and do what Muslims do every time there's a Mohammed cartoon, they'll think twice. The war to secularize everything has become a war on God. Backed with actual demons, on full display. Unless we all push back, for real, then I don't see the point. Get ready for more garbage in our future.

Declan Finn #racist declanfinn.substack.com

April O’Neil is black now. Because screw your childhood memories.

In the comics, when Captain America died, the shield went to the next nearest super: Bucky Barnes. The Winter soldier then went on a quest for salvation. MCU: Nah, let’s give it to Sam Wilson. Whose super power is operating a jetpack, and trying to guilt people to “do better.” AYFKM?

Halo, the Series: We’re going to take the Big Damn Hero … and make him a side character for a large chunk of the series, making a random Asian woman the heroine. She makes Rico Tico look likeable.

Firestar, the alien princess, who is orange … nah, we’re going to make her black (in HBO Max’s Titans) and dress her like a hooker. WTF? They even managed to make a beautiful black actress look drab and dull!

Not even history is safe! Let’s make Henry VI’s wife black! (The Hollow Crown) Henry VIII’s wife Anne Boleyn? Black. Never mind that we have paintings showing them as white, and Boleyn is a redhead. Cleopatra was Greek … but NetFlix will make her black. Doctor Who will make Isaac Newton Asian— because white folk can’t contribute anything, right?

Marvel is doing its best to wipe out Peter Parker in favor of Miles Morales. I believe it was Eric July who referred to Miles as “Peter Darker.” Because they just re-skinned Peter, with similar backstory. And now, fans will like him, or else.

Any Victorian era were black folk are just jammed in at random to 1800s London.

Declan Finn #wingnut #psycho declanfinn.substack.com

In the Muslim world (which included parts of New Jersey), there were people who had parties over 9-11; if someone feels happy about killing civilians, there is something wrong with that person as a human being. That person is about the same level as the average serial killer.


All in all, I think my original instinct at 19 was the right one: Nukes should have been involved. First, ask for bin Laden, then nuke until either the Taliban personally hand him over, or Afghanistan was a sea of glass. Between twenty years of warfare and the disaster over the coming years, “Operation: Sea of Glass” might have killed fewer people in the long run.

Declan Finn #racist declanfinn.substack.com

[Describing a trip to Italy]

One problem: the Kenyans. Yeah. If you think Europe has a gypsy problem, yeah. The Kenyans and the Middle Eastern migrants made the gypsies we saw look like pikers. We were approached by black fellow asking where we're from, pretty much shoving stuff into our hands and onto our wrists ... and then asking for money. Yeah. Right. Of course.

We paid off the first guy. Then we flashed our bling at the next few Kenyans, to let them know we'd already been conned, thank you very much. Which was fine the first day. We won't even go into the rest of the week. After the first few days of being accosted by multiple guys daily, I was about ready to commit assault.