guanoloco #homophobia #wingnut
Homophobic is a term coined by a group of people who have defined all heterosexual sex as rape, who consider the family unit and child bearing as oppressive and part of the patriarchy that perpetuates the male privilege of female bondage and submission for his sexual rape pleasure, who have defined heterosexuality as a political regime and as an oppressive political regime and have defined heteronormativity as rape culture. These people are Marxists who believe that to change a political regime that it cannot be internally reformed but must be violently overthrown with revolution of which subversion is but one tactic. That's Marxism 101.
What's even more ironic is that it has now surfaced as further virtue signalling that calling someone a retard or a moron or a mongoloid is now offensive as it stigmatizes and marginalizes and stifles the voices of people with real syndromes. The very same people that hold this view bandy about the term phobic when there are people who do suffer from actual phobias and yet these people get stigmatized, marginalized and silenced.