
Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #wingnut #magick #racist #transphobia inglinga.blogspot.com

The Occult Symbol known as 'Baphomet', originating I believe in Eliphas Levi, is not the same as the Templar 'head', but is in itself an Occult Sysmbol of this 'Fusion of Opposites' -

1. White Moon - Black Moon: the hands point upwards and downwards to these symbols, which are 'White Man - Black Man' (Man and Moon are linked in the Germanic Tongue). On the arm is 'Solve et Coagula' - a formula for breaking down and running together the Black Man and White Man.

2. The figure is androgyne - Man and Woman fused together.

3. The figure sits upon the Globe of the World, symbolic of world domination.

4. There are other Occult Symbols but we need not go into these here.

Over the past decades some of the most important happenings point to a Global Agenda based upon this 'Conflict of Opposites', and agenda that will produce a 'third force' - a New World Order.

1. The conflict of Capitalism and Marxism is now fusing together in the 'Great Reset'; Capitalism was created in order to put the world's wealth in the hands of an 'Elite', and Marxism was created to produce the 'proles', the slaves needed for these Elites to control in their Global Order.

2. The conflict of Man and Woman has seen the fusion of male-female over the last few decades.

3. The conflict of White and Black has seen the fusion of these races (in part) already, the move towards a 'Race of Tan' predicted by Count Kalergi.

4. The conflict of parent-child creates a situation in which children appear to grow up quickly and miss the important childhood, and where some adults do not seem to mature at all.

5. The conflict of Judaeo-Christianity and Islam will result in their fusion into a new World Religion. The other religions are also pitted against each other and they too will fuse into the new World Religion.

The method used by the Occult Powers is 'Conflict Management', by backing both sides at the same time whilst guiding the outcome through ensuring that one side is stronger than the other (if necessary), and the outcome is assured. With this knowledge we can see more clearly the 'progress' of history throughout the last few hundred years. It is thus very hard to counter such a force since whatever is done can be manipulated and used in this 'Conflict of Opposites'. This should have become clear with the emergence of 'Tommy Robinson' and the rise of the 'Far Right' (sic.) here in England.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #conspiracy #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

Howard Philip Lovecraft wrote a series of horror-stories based upon horrific dreams that he had during his short life. These dreams are based around a race of entities known as the 'Great Old Ones' or 'Forgotten Ones' who existed even before mankind. These are clearly forces of Chaos and Darkness, and are sometimes known as 'The Formless Ones', since they appear to have no real form and order. Although these are 'fictitious' beings, this theme has been taken up by certain Satanic Occultists, and also seems to have been worshipped throughout the ages by secret groups working in the shadows to keep this whole theme alive. The one dominant theme throughout the tales given to these, and similar Dark Beings with different names, is that they arise from out of the 'Abyss' - the 'Gaping Void' Clearly, what we have here is Beings of Chaos that are evoked into manifestation here on Earth at certain times when they can be in evoked. Lovecraft hints that this happens every 26,000 years, or at the end of a Great Year Cycle.

There has been speculation as to whether the fall of Atlantis was due to the appearance of these 'Formless Ones' who were evoked by certain Dark Sorcerers, and who thus brought upon the land the great catastrophe that sank these lands. Through study of some of the occult ideas centred around these islands there is some evidence to suggest that at one time Dark Forces arose here in ancient times. Throughout history we find that certain 'Gods & Goddesses' undertake a drastic change in their roles and forms, sometimes reversing completely their form, suggesting that their Archetypal Image was used to reverse their form in order that their worshippers were thus worshipping a Dark Form.

After reading some of the old horror tales of Howard Lovecraft, and watching some stuff on YouTube about these 'Formless Ones', I had a vivid and realistic dream in which one of these entities appeared. This was a jet-black formless mass, which is all that can be said of it, since it was a formless, changing mass - a shapeless mass.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

Back in 2012 NASA was busy looking for 'X-Points' which are portals into other dimensions; these are at points where the Earth's Magnetic Field crosses the Sun's Magnetic Field. We do know that NASA was home to a number of occultists such as Jack Parsons, a follower of Crowley and member of the O.T.O. So we should not be surprised in what was going on back then, since there were no doubt still O.T.O Members within the organisation. I have covered the work of CERN on these 'portals' and no doubt this is a refinement of what was already been done with Dark Sorcery and Dark Ritual.

It seems clear now as to why there had been an acceleration of the Global Agenda, and as to why there have suddenly appeared WOKE individuals who are busy furthering this agenda. So far the agenda has not really touched religion to any extent, but this is a future part of the Global Agenda, and is no doubt connected to the appearance of the 'Messiah' who is 'prophesied' to a appear. This seems also to infer, that as predicted, the 'Dark Lord' himself would manifest on Earth.

This Dark Sorcery is done through psycho-sexual magic, mind-altering drugs, a degenerate and perverted outlook on life, and sometimes on blood-sacrifice as I have shown here. This does not need to be done openly, since any form of violence and war will suffice, as well as terrorist atrocities like the Twin-Towers, and cattle slaughter like the Foot & Mouth. There has hardly been a moment when some kind of violent disorder, revolt or war has not been going on for decades now. The Geoffrey Epstein affair with its centre around many well-known figures within The System should suffice to show what we are dealing with in regard to the perversion that is rife within the Establishment.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #magick #sexist inglinga.blogspot.com

Loki is male-female and when he ate the burnt heart of Angrboda he became unbalanced towards the female side of himself. This we can see clearly in the anti-male (anti White Male more precisely) stance in our society, something that is overlooked if we take the Abrahamic Religions as being 'male-dominated' alone. 


Like Sauron in Lord of the Rings this Demonic Force will accept no opposition, and when it arises will deflect or even totally destroy it. The ultimate aim is to destroy the Races of Man altogether, which seems clear when we consider their creation of 'Artificial Intelligence' and their experiments on human beings - such as the 'vaccines' where mRNA ('Messenger RNA') is used to alter the DNA Code. 

These 'experiments' on human beings suggest that the 'Grey Aliens' of Ufology are the 'Trickster-Virus' that does certain abductions and experiments. These are, unlike the 'Nordics', grey, colourless, sexless, race-less etc.


Every Empire of Light from ancient times has arisen as if from nowhere, created a high civilisation which reaches a peak, begins to decline as it loses its energy (when it starts to become detached from the Sacred Centre), is 'infected' by a type of destructive 'virus' which then finally destroys it, as the remnants are destroyed by 'barbarians'. From there the Trickster-Virus 'leaves the falling house' and moves elsewhere to do the same thing again. In the process the 'Desert-Demon' and his minions leave the whole thing as a lifeless desert, seen in a typical example in the Gobi Desert which was once the Gobi Civilisation created after the Aryans left Atlantis. Since these Dark Forces have usurped the technology created by Tesla - the ability to change the weather-patterns - this may be part of the tactics used today, since we are seeing some particularly long spells of dry, hot weather.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #crackpot inglinga.blogspot.com

Through 'Political Correctness' they took away from us our Freedom of Speech. With the 'Lockdown' they imposed upon us a Police State very close to Marshal Law (the British Army was on standby), and thus took away from us our Freedom of Movement. Through the ludicrous laws ('rules') that force upon us the wearing of masks they take away our individual identity, backed by the destruction of our identity by rampaging Marxist Anarchists. Wearing the Death's Head Mask we identify with the 'God of the Dead' and with the 'Ancestral Spirits', and they cannot take from us our identity as Sons of the Wolf. This is what bonds us together as a 'pack' and our strength lies in our ability to act as individuals who are part of a greater whole - the Wolf-Pack.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

There are two distinct and opposite ways that 'selective breeding' can be used -

* To produce a healthy race, and to recreate the Divine Order of the Gods through creating different castes within the whole. This is entirely in line with the Laws of Nature because Nature keeps the fittest and most able alive whilst rejecting the weak and useless. This is the method wholly rejected by the society that we live in today.

* There is another method of 'selective breeding' and that is to create a World State based upon the produce-and-consume society, and then to use 'selective breeding' to create a class system able to maintain this type of master-slave society.

We should consider this now in the light of the scientific work on 'Artificial Intelligence'. Before I go into this we need to understand that there was an ancient Aryan Caste System which was based upon the Divine Order and linked to the Cosmos and the Human Body - the macrocosm and the microcosm. This was a natural system based upon the Eternal Laws of Nature. The 'class-system' was an artificial construct. Racial Hygiene is a perfectly natural drive to maintain a healthy Race of Man, 'selective breeding' can be used for other unnatural purposes.

The Laws of God are the Laws of Nature, but when the Dark Lord arose to try to make himself 'God' Nature lost Her sacredness and 'God's Commandments' were there to be obeyed over and above the Laws of Nature. These Dark Powers have destroyed the Aryan Caste System through the promotion of a false 'equality', but what they wish to do is to replace this natural order by an artificial construct which goes against the Laws of Nature.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #magick #wingnut #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

When the Dark Forces, in very ancient times, stole the Ancient Aryan Mysteries, they got hold of the Ancient Wisdom that had been built up over thousands of years, and which was (to them) a source of might and power which they could use to control situations and people, and to further an agenda that has come to fruition in our era.

The rather idiotic term 'Woke Culture' has arisen, not surprisingly in an era of 'controlled insanity'. The term typically uses incorrect English in a way that suggests it stems either from an illiterate source, or is a kind of 'take' on what is right. These people are far from 'awake', but like the 'enlightened' or 'illuminated' they can dream! With this came the destruction of our past, our history, which started through 'Black Lives Matter', a front for a Marxist Revolution that would destroy the past, thus paving the way for a 'New World Order'.


The Great Darkness is growing, but we have passed the Yuletide of the Great Year (1933 - 1939) when the seeds of a New Order were sown, and at this time (The Winter) we can expect a period of destruction, dissolution and chaos. The Yuletide or Midwinter is the time of the Longest Darkness, so our time is when the Light Forces are waxing again and even though this is a harsh and violent time the Forces of Light will grow and grow in strength until finally the Last Avatar will appear to destroy the Darkness and Chaos.

The 'Star Wars' films were based upon the battle between Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, between the 'Empire' and the 'Republic'. The military leader is Daath Vader, whose name is based upon 'Daath' which is the reverse-side of the Cabalistic Tree of Life - the Shadow Realm. 'Vader' is the same as our own 'wate' or 'wod' meaning 'movement'. Daath Vader uses a form of 'physical magic' through the 'Light Sabre'; above him is the Emperor who is an Evil Sorcerer. He is a 'Hidden Power' that uses Dark Sorcery, and he is the ultimate power in the Dark Empire. We should keep this in mind because this is the structure that we face within the Dark Forces.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #magick #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

It is my belief that the "Holy Blood - Holy Grail" idea that arose, where the Bloodline of the Grail referred to that of Jesus Christ, was meant to prepare the way for a World Religion. This came about not only through Dan Brown, but also through 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' by Michael Baegent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln - whoever they purport to be. Whatever the motives concerned with spreading this idea, it would most certainly aid in the restoration of a 'Jewish Messiah' which is the basis for the World Religion.


With the BLM riots and destruction came the moves to destroy all vestiges of White Culture, and the special target was the Confederacy and its history, even though slavery was never the real issue here. In doing so the statue of Robert E. Lee was taken down to be destroyed; however, as with such blatantly evil moves, everything is not always as it seems. From what I can gather the press and media made mention of a 'time-capsule' found underneath this statue that seems to have contained the following -

An 1878 almanac.
A book of fiction (not known).
A British Coin.
A photo of James Netherwood, a master stone mason who worked on the pedestal.

These were buried, I believe, for 134 years. However, according to Robert Sepehr, something of greater importance was pushed aside, and this he seems to prove with a clip of the video of the opening of the 'time-capsule' and the search through the contents. A parchment that was opened appears to contain a complete list of 'Commanders' and 'Members' of the Knight's Templar. I have mentioned this in passing since it could well prove to be of importance at some future time.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #crackpot #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

One of the strange things in regard to the Covid-Vaccines is that there has been little opposition from Animal Rights Groups, especially since these vaccines have been tested on animals, and such tests on vaccines have been done for a very long time.


Where the problem lies is in Judaeo-Christianity and the other Abrahamic Religions which see mankind as the centre and dominant species of the Earth - to them the world is 'Man-Centred'. To Folkish Wodenists this is the polar-opposite to what we believe, since we see God-in-Nature - God-in-the-Blood which makes all life sacred and there is no difference between man, animals and plants except the degree of consciousness that each different species has in its essence and form. Seeing the world as 'man-centred' and that 'God' is separate and 'above' (in 'heaven') has caused so much misery and death upon the Earth, and has completely cut off the majority of human-kind from Nature and the Natural Order.

Finally, rather than follow the path of some who are continually giving out false propaganda about Covid-19, which only serves to help those pushing this agenda by making them look stupid, there is a clear case for a backlash against the Covid-19 Vaccines on the basis of their being used in animal testing.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #racist #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

It seems clear from recent events such as 'Black Lives Matter' (which I believe here in England has morphed into 'Black Liberation Movement') that the street-active Marxists have been allowed to get on with their subversive work whilst thousands of freedom-loving ordinary people have been subjected to police harassment whilst protesting against the 'lockdowns' and 'vaccine-passports'. It is usual to regard 'Antifa' as an anarchist group, but this arose first in Germany around 1936 from within the German Communist Party, so there is very little difference, both being subversive movements against the Folk-Nation, and both pushing a globalist agenda, just like the Global Bankers and Global Corporations, who fund them of course.

I thought that I'd start with this, but the main point of this post is that, as those with the eyes to see can see, in virtually every advert now the White Man has been replaced, and everywhere there are attacks upon the White Male. This is nothing new, but from what I can see this has (like everything else) accelerated to a huge degree. So, at this point I would like to go over the Sajaha Prophecies again, and also remind of what I have said before on this subject.


Don Miguel Serrano foretold that the Last Avatar will arise at the height of the catastrophe, and there is a certainty that the Gods will intervene in such a disaster, sending one of their own (Wid-Ar or the White Krist) to lead the Armies of Light in the destruction of the Dark Forces. This figure is the Third Sargon as prophesied by Sajaha. But it is not our role to sit and wait, nor to 'have faith', it is our role to take up this Eternal Struggle, as did Don Miguel Serrano and others who have dedicated their lives, and even given their lives, to the defeat of the Dark Powers.

What is clear from these ancient texts is that we are now at the point of the vicious attack upon the White Race, where other peoples are turned against us by the Forces of Evil and Darkness.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #crackpot inglinga.blogspot.com

Most people did not realise that the 'World Wide Web' was named thus because this regime was creating a 'Spider's Web' that catches everyone in it, based around a Web of Deceit and Lies. This was merely a step towards controlling the minds of everyone around the world through linking their minds together in a World Network or Global Network. They are already experimenting with microchips inserted into pigs (these people do not like the boar or pig); these are designed to control the actions of the animals - yet another animal experiment. Here we can see them as the hypocrites that they are, for it was the 'lefty-mob' who deemed animal experiments as cruel (which they certainly are), hunting as cruel (which I believe it is when done as a 'sport'), and thus unleashed the 'animal rights activists' onto us. Here we have continuing animal cruelty being done in the name of science, and they are saying nothing whatever about it. But this, like the work done by the 'animal rights activists', advances their Global Agenda, and if the two seem incompatible that matters not one jot to these people.

Wulf Ingessunu #conspiracy #crackpot inglinga.blogspot.com

The other day I spoke to a young local guy who exclaimed to me - 'I'll be glad when they come up with a vaccine and we can get back to normal'. Is this not just what this regime wants in the people, to cry out for a 'cure', which will be given since the whole thing has been engineered in the first place. Do these people not listen when they are told that things will never get back to 'normal' - just to a 'New Normal'. The whole thing has been engineered as a kind of 'mass-initiation' designed to create a new 'race of slaves', under the total control of the Global Elite.


The 'rules' that were first put into place through 'Lok-down' (*) have become 'laws' and they are talking of extending these for two years. It would seem obvious, but as yet clearly is not, that no-one could see just how far such a 'pandemic' would go, so adding another two years is merely making sure that this control goes on into the future.

(*) A play-on-words for 'Loki', the Trickster and Liar, associated with the Spider and the Web.

Wulf Ingessunu #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #crackpot inglinga.blogspot.com

Loki's Brood.
The Midgard Serpent - This is the World Serpent that encircles the world, and as seen by the symbolism of the serpent devouring its own tail this is a constricting force that slowly binds as it devours itself. At one level (and there are many) this could be equated to Global Finance Capitalism and the Global Bankers who encircle the world controlling everything as they do so. This same image appears in the Vedas as Vritra - the Serpent of Evil. When he is slain even fiercer enemies arise out if him.

The Fenris Wolf - This is the 'devourer' as can be seen through the image of his devouring Woden at Ragnarok. We find the same images in the two wolves that devour the Sun and the Moon. This same image appears in the Vedas as the Rakshasas who are the 'eaters', the 'devourers', the 'wolves', the 'haters' and the 'tearers' - they are the Agents of Destruction. The Fenris Wolf could thus be equated with Anarcho-Communists and other Agents of Destruction, for this is all that these people achieve in what they do.

Wulf Ingessunu #racist #crackpot #magick inglinga.blogspot.com

[Context: the phrase "Noble Wolf" is a translation of the name "Adolf" and this article is illustrated with a swastika]

Imagine if a Teacher of Righteousness - a Preacher of Righteousness - incarnated as an Aryan Avatar (Aryan Krist) to preach against the teachings of a Dark Priesthood. An Aryan Archetype sent to Earth with a divine mission at the beginning of a new world-age, say two thousand years ago at the start of the Age of Pisces. Let us call this figure - Krist. But the power of the Dark Priesthood had grown stronger at this time, and his teaching against them was stopped by putting him to death by hanging on a cross. But his teachings would not have died with him, as most men of heroic deeds are not recognised and followed until after they have died.


Now, imagine that a new Aryan Avatar incarnated on Earth, but this time not as a Teacher of Righteousness preaching to the people, but as a war-leader, leader of the Furious Host, a strong leader who would arise to hold back these Powers of Darkness, something like the Avatar of Vishnu of the Hindus - The Preserver. But now the Powers of Darkness were even stronger, indeed, they were now nearly powerful enough to rule the whole world. But he stood in the way of this Global Power. Let us, for the sake of it, call him the Noble Wolf.

At this time, the Yuletide of the Great Year Cycle, the Power of Light begins to wax, but the Power of Darkness is now at its most destructive since its strength will wane and it's time is shortened. So this last HOPE is lost and defeated, and the Powers of Darkness are now free to expand their power over the world. But...once more they recognise that such a figure of righteousness will gain in power after death, so they have to stop this from happening. But, unlike the Teacher of Righteousness this is a strong and war-like leader of men, a strong man and not a 'preacher' - this needs a different approach.

Ah! Enlisting the aid of Hollywood, the Press and the Media, and the whole weight of the propaganda machine they have built over the last century, they do much the same as they did 2000 years before - but this time they twist the righteous war-leader, the leader of the people, into a 'monster'.

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #racist inglinga.blogspot.com

Some years ago I pointed out an old prophecy from the time of Queen Elizabeth I which went something like - 'When hemp is spun, England's done'. Hemp is, of course, from the cannabis plant, and this prophecy was fulfilled decades ago by the wife of Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney, who came up with the idea of using the cannabis plant to make handbags - thus 'spinning' hemp. In reality, this was perhaps a couple of decades ago and this did indeed herald the 'death' of England. But, as with all Nature, death is never an ending, but should be seen as a new beginning. It is a transition period between great changes that are all part of a cycle.

When we enter a period in which a void appears this is the time to fill that void, not see this as a negative time when all is lost. Because we are attacked for our views that are the polar opposite to the modern 'progressive' society should never make us back down - it should make us even more determined to struggle against all odds to create positive change. Change only ever comes through the few and never the many. And everything is always in a state of flux and change. There is so much said about 'Positive Thinking' but in line with society today this is invariably aimed at the individual; what we need is to extend this to the Group-Mind rather than as separate individuals working for their own ends.

An Land - An Blod - An Folc is a battle-cry based upon looking forwards to a new English Folk-Nation based upon the only ideals capable of bringing back harmony and balance to a Nation and Folk. One Land - England! One Blood - Blood Kin! One Folk - The English Folk! And this, of course, extended to the other Folk-Nations of Kindred Blood. With the great onslaught upon our Folk this would seem a far-off aim, but in these times things can change quickly, as time itself speeds onwards towards decay and death - the decay and death of the Old Order!