ReturnOfSaddam & yikerinos #psycho #sexist #wingnut

It brings me joy to know that cuck intelligence agents are reading this site and learning their wives are currently sucking Chad's cock

Lmao these vermin are the scum of the fucking earth. And before you say they don't browse here, honestly, you underestimate 1) how stupid our countries are and 2) how USELESS intelligence agents actually are at anything effective like combating terrorism, so it's natural for these subhumans to come and deal with dangerous inkwells.

Hey, Israel's bitch puppet? Chad is currently 9 inches deep in your wife, sorry she's just not a sexual person with you sweaty.


”I don’t blame them tbh. There’s people on this site that have actually killed people.”

Such as?

I'm also wondering about this. There might be future murderers here (just like anywhere else on the Internet), but nobody that I could reasonably accuse of actually having done it.

We're more harmless than chads with "good personality" who usually abuse their gfs tbh. Very few posters here would abuse their gf if they found one.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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