metabuxx #sexist #psycho

"What makes you a man is the not the ability to make a child: It's the courage to raise one."

The amount of brainwashing is unbelievable.

So basically what society expects non-Chads to do is wageslave all day, provide for wife and her bastard kids while she is out there getting railed by Chads making new babies. And what does this make him? - "A real man".

To make non-Chads feel less insecure about themselves society have come up with this ridiculous concept about "real man." If you don't judge your wife by her sexual past you are a "real man." If you agree to raise your wife's bastard kids, you are a "real man." If you have no problem with your wife getting gangbanged by Tyrones, congratulations, you are a "real man." Feminist whores also came up with "Real men are feminists" crap.

But when it comes to Chads they don't need no assurance, they already know they are alpha men. Their only job is to pump and dump holes while their offsprings are raised by some insecure bluepilled cuck who is too eager to prove himself as a "real man" to worthless whores and this cucked society.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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