pokitaru (“Proud Lolicon”) #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #transphobia blackpill.club

You are occupied, you are humiliated.

Nothing about the world we live in will ever make sense to you unless you understand you live under
an occupation and are thus subject to the rules of the occupiers. If you do not start from there, you will
search for multiple explanations and rationalizations that will lead you to ineffective ends. You are not
an active participant in politics and public debate, you are it's problem. Public debate is debating why
you're the problem, politics is about dealing with that problem. The opposition in debate simply offers
an alternative path to your destruction, the end goal is never resisted. We cannot seek to influence the
debate or enter politics we can only hope to smash it.

Your humiliation is the enemies goal. To take a hit and fight on is honorable to take a beating every day is just sad. Humiliation robs you of your
humanity, your will, your reason to fight on. Humiliation takes everything from you and debases it in front of all, it robs you of being worthy of
empathy. It has been used by every occupier in history, it is our natural primal understanding of defeat. The Ottoman practice of kégek was an
ultimate example, similar to the concept of “Drag Kids” in modern America. Kégeks were a combination of dancers, clowns and prostitutes, they
were young non-Muslim boys taken from their parents and trained to be willful sexual objects and entertainers for the Turks

The goal was to have the occupied think “If we allow that to be done to our boys what else can they do?” The answer is anything. It is full
spectrum domination of the conquereds mind.

Your enemy doesnt want gay pride parades in your street, drag queens in your adverts, your son transgender, your parents dead from opioids,
your daughter race mixing, your meat replaced with bugs all while your media laughs at you because they think it’s for anyones benefit. They
want it because they know you dont want it but cant stop them, they want to humiliate you. There isnt any other reason.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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