MARK TAPSCOTT #transphobia #conspiracy

Off all the Left's revolutionary movements seeking to transform traditional American liberties and culture, none is as senseless and barbaric as that of transgenderism. It's the "T" in the "LGBTQ++++Etc..." formulation.

Transgenderism is simple to understand but difficult to contemplate why anybody in their right mind would adopt it as their fundamental worldview. But they do, and here's the rationale: Think you were born in the "wrong" body? Don't worry, we've got the drugs and surgical procedures to fix that!

Through its deadening control of most precincts in public education and public health, as well as a mainstream media that dares not include critical coverage of any sort regarding the movement, transgenderism is being forced into the deepest corners of American daily life, including most dangerously elementary schools.

Increasingly, parents, especially but not exclusively in blue states, are not allowed to know if their elementary school sons or daughters have been brainwashed into thinking they should be of the opposite sex.

The costs of GAS can vary widely, ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 or more. And that doesn't include the costs of drugs that must be continued long after the surgical procedure has been performed and healed. Take a mid-range figure of $35,000 as the average and multiply that times 48,019. The total is $1.6 billion.

If that seems like a tiny market for a huge special interest group like PhRMA to be concerned about, remember that the market is expected to expand significantly and a huge proportion of those who undergo such surgeries will need medical services, including pharmaceuticals, for decades afterward.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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