Pumkin #psycho incels.is
[News] Foids will do anything. Adam Savage get's #MeToo'd by his sister.
This is funny and sad at the same time
1) Kids getting anal raped isn't even going to hurt if it's another kid. Talking physics here. Nobody is thinking Adam had a huge cock at 10. His little pecker is going inside a little anus. It fits perfectly. Kids are made to have huge shits that are bigger than a dick and also kids regularly get their temperature checked anally. It's usual for kids to play with their anus as well. There was literally no pain from what he did
2) Anally raped for multiple years? Bitch please!! You know she enjoyed it or at the very least it wasn't a great discomfort to her and she probably feigned annoyance. I can see her watching Saturday morning cartoons when Adam comes up from behind her and lowers her bottoms then goes right into her anus. She just keeps watching cartoons as she is getting drilled into the bedroom floor until Mom calls for them to come and get breakfast. Then she picks up her bottoms, adjusts her panties, then goes WITH A SMILE to go eat breakfast with her family. At no point was she hurt. It was just something to do. Something to pass the time. Same with married women that don't 'feel' like having sex. They just go starfish and let the man do what he needs to so he can get it out of his system and do normal things.