Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy

ORCHESTRATION anybody? Juan O Savin has been telling people we would have a Cuban Missle crisis near death experience for a number of years. They think they need this so Trump and the military can take back our government from the Biden show ..for the people without engendering ‘civil war’. Of course Trump and the white hat military (including Space Force) are already in control…

Keeping in mind it’s the AI, Generals and whatever remote viewer/psychics they might have on the team that come up with these scenarios… Manipulate the masses in this case for a good purpose. But do the ends justify the means? I am not suggesting the White Hat Military is creating this event. But I am saying they know about it and will use it to their advantage which is what happens in war.

Strangely the Cuban Missile Crisis according to Captain Mark Richards was a Grey ET operation and was not at all what it appeared to be on the surface. Kennedy and Nixon were both well aware of this.
One possibility regarding the role of the Grey-regressive ET races (who are the drone-type Reptilian worker bees in essence…could involve something that the To the Stars Academy players revealed to the world that most people ignored is that contrary to the party line spread by fake democrat (primarily) light “workers” and people like Steven Greer is that the ETs have on occasion triggered missile silo sites to become active in an attempt to cause Russia and the U.S. to engage in a nuclear war that would decimate the population and allow the Reptilians and Grey ETs to complete their takeover plans for the Earth.
The placement of special weapons and tech on the island of Cuba in close proximity to the U.S. is only the tip of the iceberg related to a Grey-Reptilian agenda that is linked to the Anunnaki takeover plans aka the Lucierian Rebellion. This is the negative AI or Metatron agenda of the ETs who are working to counter the establishment of the Krist or Christ consciousness on Earth.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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