HT #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut
RE: Why Reparations for Slavery Are a Crazy Idea
How can anyone argue for reparations for blacks when in reality, having slave ancestors and winding up in America, was the best thing that ever happened to blacks? Even most of the slaves themselves led better and longer lives than their African relatives. Blacks should be paying us or return to their "homeland".
I did a search on the internet for “percentage of black americans who support reparations.” The first article that showed up in my search results was a 2019 report from CNN that says 75% of black Americans want reparations for slavery.
What a bunch of lazy parasites. Even if they get their way and get paid a reparations check, they will continue blaming white people for their problems long after they run out of money and still want more gib-me-dats.
The Negro has gotten every type of handout and advantage possible for 50 years and yet today they complain more than ever about the life we have provided for them. Time to separate now because there is no other workable option.