various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

( @DrSimoneGold )
BREAKING: Florida Board of Medicine has just voted to BAN the gender reassignment surgeries of children and teens.

These procedures have been permitted under the guise of “gender affirming care.” In reality, this is child abuse.

Thank you, Florida.

( @Iixsive )
So many things these days are Absolute opposite’s
Of what they Actually are
It’s like right and wrong
Have been turned inside out

It’s purely

( @AlwaysIndependent )
All part of the depopulation agenda.
Your sex can not be changed. This is to sterilize and torture children.

( @payneless )
@DrSimoneGold Awesome! Sanity at last! We must protect children no matter what it takes.


No. It's child molestation.

( @ChristianUSAPatriot )
@DrSimoneGold I prefer to call it "gender pretending surgery" / "gender pretending care."

My English is more accurate than their woke-speech.

( @MichaelMane )
@DrSimoneGold Child abuse = satanism

( @Begood )
what about revoking those doctor's medical licenses while they're at it.

( @Kidbrightwillow )

Child abuse for sure.

Doctors are not “affirming” genders. God does that when people are born. They are either XX dominate or XY dominate. Supposed “medical care” consisting of surgery &/or a drug regimen cannot & does change the chromosomes everyone is born with.

I thank the Florida Board of Medicine for following “the science.”



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