James Gilliland #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo eraoflight.com
It is 2023, the governments and religious institutions have failed to bring us Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity. They and their agencies have failed to implement and maintain Universal Law. In fact, they have done everything opposite their mandates. Look at the crime, the poverty, the degradation of health and freedom. It is all on the downward spiral under the present leadership. Why? Why is there so much inhumanity? What is creating all the division, poverty, greed, the plagues and endless wars? Most are not ready for the truth. Most will continue to participate in their own slavery and demise up to the very end. The critical thinking, research and integrity impaired will continue to serve the morally challenged and corrupt to the last day even if it means the demise of themselves and their families. Cognitive dissonance has become epidemic.
The Soros backed DA s are allowing crime to escalate with little or no consequences. In his own words Soros said one of his greatest accomplishments will be taking down America. He is one of the main sponsors of all the divisions pitting Americans against each other. BLM, Antifa, Open Borders are just a few of his organizations. installed puppets at the very top of many governments. The network is called the deep state. How did it get this way?
The actions against Universal Law, the abuse of power and the misuse of technology caused the fall. Yet what inspired that path? What took over the leadership at the highest levels and inspired them to act against Universal Law? The same influences from the past. These are the same influences that are creating all the divisions and againstness in religions, cultures, genders and color. These unseen negative influences feed off the pain and suffering, those they have infected actually smile when they see the numbers of the sick, injured, and dead. They are the eugenicists, those pushing population reduction.