Off course Robbie doesn't mention how Chelsea is suffering from PTSD:
And that is from BEING TORTURED:
"The Army's got lots of bullets, right? They can't spare ONE bullet to shoot a cowardly traitor? "
"There are no words strong enough to convey the contempt that every patriotic American must feel toward Bradley “Chelsea” Manning. If one of his/“her” fellow inmates at Leavenworth had murdered Manning in cold blood, I would advocate a presidential pardon for that inmate.”
"Conservatives are often accused of “simplistic” thinking, and liberals claim they’re all about “nuance” and “critical thinking,” but there are layers of nuance that seem to pass right over the heads of these idiot anarchists who mindlessly admire Manning. When my own son took the oath at Fort Meade, security was on high alert because there was a hearing in the Manning case that day, and the Army didn’t know if the Anonymous protesters might try some real-life “civil disobedience.” My son swore an oath that day to obey the orders of his Commander-in-Chief, whose politics and policies I have frequently criticized, but who is nonetheless President of the United States.
This is what democracy and the rule of law require. Citizens of a democracy cannot selectively decide which laws to obey, imbue their crimes with political significance, and then claim that enforcement of the law is unjust. And the security of a free state is always dependent on the service of those like my son who are bound by oath to obey orders, without regard for mere political controversies. While there are many decisions of the Obama administration that I have criticized, the prosecution of Bradley Manning is to be applauded, because if our soldiers cannot be trusted to obey orders, none of us are safe."
"Have I mentioned that my son is a soldier? I think I have. And I can’t help wondering what the hell is going on at the Pentagon that they would have let a worthless traitor like Bradley Manning into the Army, much less let him anywhere near classified secrets:"
"My son would never reveal our country's involvement of killing civilians multiple times. Cover ups are American as apple pie! My son is a loyal soldier who cannot think for himself! Worship him dammit!"
Seriously, this guy thinks blind loyalty is a virtue while promoting himself as a free thinker, nevetmind he willing ignores the war crimes Manning exposed:
Are any of these fascists willing to address them?