various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
I don't think I've ever met a single mixed-race person who wasn't obviously mentally and/or emotionally unstable.

Even if their non-white admixtures were only a few percent, they always seem to have serious issues with mental and/or emotional illness.

( @saltysalmonhonk )
@Nature_and_Race miscegenation is death

( @NSEuropean )
@Nature_and_Race Just met a wasian moron online who called smalldick a white guy because the latter said to go live in africa to an asian girl saying she like dating blacks, This guy was half-asian and half white and when i replied to him in a chill way, saying that asians arent famous for having big dicks anyway so why does he even make that comment to begin with, he reacted so aggressively, saying i was racist and that i had an inferiority complex hahahha.

Oh man these people are delusional. Me too btw, i find that most mulattos are usually mentally retarded and fragile, very often theyre degenerates too, fuck them, no better than nigs and other subhumans

( @DonnaMaria316 )
@Nature_and_Race Also, why is it that if they are 1/2 white, and 1/2 black, they ALWAYS refer to themselves as black? It's as if being white has no privileges at all. 🤔

( @DisenfranchisedDad )
@DonnaMaria316 @Nature_and_Race because they know full well the privilege lies in being black

( @Christian_Hart )
@DonnaMaria316 Because European DNA is refined and recessive. Black DNA is 'diverse' and to say that they are black is the truth at that point because if they claimed they were refined recessive European DNA everyone would just laugh at them and tell them they are black (also true) and not White. You can't be 1/2 White. You are either White, born from two pure White parents or you aren't.

( @Woodzun )

They’re assholes. They feel superior to members of their nonWhite ancestry and inferior in the face of real Whites.

Mischlings are the worst because they feel superior to Whites AND fellow jews. No joke. It’s a real thing.



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