Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: TiMs rage about "cis men" "slapping the trans label" onto themselves to "feed their degradation fetish"

( WTMatterHere )
“OMG your ETA is on point. The trans label isn't something you can slap onto your self to feed your degradation fetish.”

Actually I’d say that’s often exactly what it is.

( Mandy )
And yet they can't see this is exactly why they can't be allowed inside women's protected spaces. If they really identified with women and not simply as women they would want the most vulnerable women to have every protection possible.

"just a little upsetting when I find a crossdresser who passes better than I do..." I'm sure it is. Women can't tel you guys apart by looking. We can't tell which ones are using us as props in their fetish and which of you are nice guys who just want to pee.

( Owlchaser )

We can't tell which ones are using us as props in their fetish and which of you are nice guys who just want to pee.

What, you can't see their magical pink gender aura?

( hmimperialtortie )
Almost always, I’d say.

( Califasauros )
Interesting. Presumably, non-autogynephilic female-identifying males are sick of being lumped under the same label as fetishistic cross dressers....males who don't see cross dressers as trans.

Well, these upset female-identifying males had better have a conversation with the powerful gender identity lobby, letting it know that cross dressers don't belong in their "trans" demographic.

I'm sure that that will turn out real well for them...after all, the gender identity lobby lives to listen to vulnerable members of demographics it purports to support (LOL - sarcasm, of course).

Just look how well the lobby has treated women, adult human females.🥺



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