One day they'll diversity hire a foid or nonwhite in charge of a nuclear power plant and they will trigger a chernobyl meltdown.
And then they'll put a diversity hire foid or nonwhite in charge of disaster management.
And then the Earth will turn into an irradiated wasteland.
Low key race bait. Chernobyl was run by whites.
Not true, it was run by slavs, slavs are the black people of white people.
...and when presented with a paradox which could destroy their entire way of thinking, they're willing to throw their own under the bus.
How fickle thou art, o Salt-right.
I guess you'd better start by hating your 'Emprah': who was it that ensured he would be where he is today: and all his little bot Minions...?!
It's pressing that Democrat button/touching that screen area next year for all of you manbabies, I guess.
Way-back-when, they hired women, both white and non-white, in charge of programming the trip to the moon.
And, the rest is history.
slavs are the black people of white people
The OP didn’t just make that up. This is a sentiment I often heard about during my time in Europe. The neo-nazis and people like them viewed slavs as second class people.
In WWII, Western European and American POWs in Germany were treated much, much better than Russian POWs. 60% of Russian POWs died or were killed outright in German captivity. The death rate among Western European and American POWs was between 1%-4%. The Germans called the war against Western Europe “a war of domination” (“Eroberungskrieg”). They called the war against Eastern Europe "a war of total destruction” (“Vernichtungskrieg”). Russian villages along the way were regularly burned down, the people and animals slaughtered.
What Mr. Trump doesn’t realize is that in the eyes of his favorite people, his wife is from a “shit hole” country.
“Good” to see an original style Nazi remembering his Fuehrer hated Slavs too.
Once shitbags like this get rid of all the non-whites they hate so much, it is inevitable that sudenly there are these people there were never really white to begin with so we've gotta get them next.
In the 1920s, Maine had a very active Klan, which mainly attacked local French Canadians and Catholics.
Not true, it was run by slavs, slavs are the black people of white people.
THIS, Ladies & Gentlemen, is the STUPIDEST goalpost-moving I’ve ever heard.
That said; Some White Supremacists have a weird hate for some white people like Slavs, Poles, Italians and Irish.
Bigotry is weird….
….Domhnall Gleeson is the whitest thing ever (‘….skinny guy….kinda pasty?….’ )….
….yet 120 years ago, he would’ve been lumped in the same category as Blacks.
It is just mind-boggling the way the minds of bigots work, isn't it? Even in the imagining that everyone else but them is apocalyptic levels of stupid it requires them to think the people they insist are the smart ones be dumber than a sack of glass hammers to facilitate their own death by ineptitude first by the presumably white and male leadership of enterprise hiring for the sake of "diversity" and nothing else which only the kind of people who already figure they can judge competence more from a person's photograph than their relevant history, measurable achievements, or an on-the-job observation of ability and previously refused to hire such people regardless of competence would do to avoid entirely accurate accusations of discrimination by the most shallow actions and then by deliberately putting people they're already implied to think are idiots in charge of something of consequence without fail-safes. And that's before you factor in their lack of awareness of history and reality and the way we've already skipped the middleman in their fantasies. Then the post captain-obvious insane troll logic just really puts a cherry on it.
Some day? Dude, there are female officers in charge of Navy nuclear reactors.
And female weapons officers on nuclear subs.
And female officers in charge of loading nuclear missiles onto nuclear powered subs.
Haven't heard of any nuke accidents in the Navy.
Heard about a few incidents. And significant incidents.
None have ever been attributed to a vagina being in the chain of command...
Seems that you're short on facts, and behind the times.
But then, reality DOES tend to have a progressive bias.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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