[on trans women being raped by male cellmates]
You can't really put them in men's prison either though, that's just asking for rape as a punishment for crimes. It's a tough one. I'd say put them in protection, but they're already mentally fragile and 23+ hours a day of solitary confinement won't help either.
Genuinely wondering, in your opinion, what is the answer?
She gave you her answer. Here is my answer. Put them in with men, because they are fucking men and why the fuck is it a woman's problem that they may suffer? FUCK THAT.
So "no humanity at all" is your natural state.
Unless you think rape is legitimate punishment as endorsed by the state, then you cannot believe it is right to place trans women in men's prisons. Prisons are overcrowded as it is, so place these inmates in special wings or in a separate institution to serve their sentences.
Someone who currently agrees with 2or3thingsIknow, writing on scrap paper in a concentration camp cell, some years from now:
“First they came for the transgendered. I said nothing, because I was disgusted by the transgendered.”
“Then they came for me. And by then, there was noone left who wanted (or dared) to say anything.”
“[…] but they're already mentally fragile […]”
Transwomen are mentally fragile? Well, at least my poor little fragile brain is still intact, unlike that broken pile of mush swirling around in *your* skull. Fuck off.
The threat of rape in prison exists no matter who you are. That is a simple, horrible fact. But the nature of rapists and what makes them choose their victims has less to do with the victims themselves and is based more on the consequences of what they will do or more accurately the ability to minimize them. When there is a general attitude of "who cares" attached to a victim for whatever monstrously idiotic reason it will embolden a rapist even if there are other consequences because they view them as a formality, they feel an intangible vindication that encourages them to do it again.
To treat the transgendered in such a way is to encourage this mindset, to undermine the very purpose of prison by stripping away the inherent wrongness of a transgression against individuals or society by allowing criminals the chance to seize upon false vindication through their choice of victim. My view on the purpose of prison may be exceptionally harsh compared to most others: I believe prison is where you go to regain your rights as a human being and those who belong there are basically animals until they prove otherwise. But that view also means that I hold in the deepest contempt anyone who impedes the actual process of regaining human status undermining and invalidating the humanity of those who wish to rehabilitate and rejoin society. To be so flippant about in-prison victimization allows the animals to remain animals and those who would be human to be treated like the animals they're surrounded by. And to treat the humans as animals which is unacceptable in and of itself is worsened exponentially by attempting to justify that dehumanization not because of anything they've done but because of a disagreement on who they are.
Treat people as what they are. A transgendered woman is a woman regardless of the past or present state of their body. A transgendered woman in prison serving her sentence in good faith to regain her place in society is a human being. To deny a woman is a woman is to deny one of the things that makes her human, which impedes regaining her place in society and thus even if she shows every intention of acting like an animal she is and must always be treated as a woman. An animal who seizes upon the excuse to set upon them like a piece of meat left in the open because they perceive a blunting of response is nothing more than an animal - an animal that has attacked a human and proven that they are not rehabilitating and cannot go out among humans yet - regardless of their biological resemblance to a human. It is our character and self-realization that makes us what and who we are, not biology.
Feminism means men and women are equal. Not women are awesome and men can fuck off with their problems.
Rape is not ok in any circumstances, no matter who the victim is. It may feel satisfying to see somoone get their just deserts but it just undermines the seriousness of rape. It makes it into a joke, a punishment for some transgression. It's not ok.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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