Medeea Greere #conspiracy #wingnut

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting it being stunningly revealed that senior White House staffers working for Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden are now referring to him as “the nightmare on Elm Street”, says this revelation has been joined by both Biden and socialist leader Kamala Harris watching in horror as their approval ratings plummet across multiple polls just six months after they seized power
Security Council Members in this transcript express grave alarm over Trump supporters being branded as “enemies of the state”, specifically because the MoD document they’re reviewing beyond shockingly reveals that for the first time in American history, the United States Air Force is preparing combat operations for use against its own citizens—combat operations scheduled for 31 July 31 to 14 August 14 in an exercise designated Northern Strike 21-2 under the command of the National All-Domain Warfighting Center (NADWC) and led by the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)—whose most notable feared action will see combat warplanes using American civilian roads as war zone landing strips
the MoD stating that a scenario of this combat operation being directed against Trump supporters is the least likely to occur, most particularly because they have no identifiable hard targets to strike—then sees the MoD noting that the more than likely scenario of this combat operation is to strike and subdue enemy forces in large urban areas—specifically because this is exactly what the Americans did in Iraq, where in fighting against insurgents in large urban areas, and to minimize civilian casualties, they would use rural roadways as makeshift landing strips for A-10 warplanes—A-10 warplanes that then pounded hardened enemy targets while providing air cover for the C-146A transport aircraft carrying commando forces, who would quickly land to capture and/or kill insurgent combatants and terrorist leaders.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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