Gregory Hood #racist #sexist #wingnut
China Trolls the West’s Delusions and Hypocrisies
Sometimes, even race realists become so used to the stupidity that we are like the fish who never notice water. Sometimes it takes China, a self-respecting civilization-state, to expose our elites’ silly beliefs and shameless hypocrisy.
This is how China’s Ambassador to Grenada, Zhao Youngchen, described his government’s actions in the Xinjiang region, home of the Uyghur Muslims.
Islamic extremists in Xinjiang discriminated against women, and forced women to veil and wear black robes. All kind and rational women in western world, don’t you think the protection of basic human rights of Uyghur women by the Chinese government is commendable?
China isn’t oppressing the Uyghur minority or crushing its culture; it fighting for women’s liberation. Shouldn’t liberals be cheering? The New York Times published a column arguing what is being done to the Uyghurs is “genocide.” “Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been gradually rolling out policies that threaten Uighur culture and identity. There are financial incentives for interethnic marriages between Uighur and Han Chinese couples.”
But aren’t we supposed to think mixed marriage is a wonderful thing? In 2018, the New York Times rejoiced with this headline: “A Sign of ‘Modern Society’: More Multiracial Families in Commercials.” Besides, what do Uyghur culture and identity really mean? Since CNN tells us “There is no ‘White Culture’,” maybe there’s no Uyghur culture either. You might argue that the Chinese government wants to eliminate the Uyghurs. You might even say that the Chinese Communist Party is trying to replace them. However, that’s dangerous talk, a paranoid conspiracy theory. How could political and cultural policies possibly have demographic consequences? It’s a ridiculous claim.