Various Incels #sexist

[JFL] Imagine raising another mans child

I laugh my ass off at every single one. Anyone who willingly raises another mans child deserves no respect and deserves to be laughed at hysterically. It's one thing for a wicked woman to cuck you and have you raise Chad's off spring unknowingly, but its another to know it's not yours and take care of it. All for some crumbs of used up pussy Chad already made his own.

Raising offspring that knowingly isn't yours is the antithesis of natural. Female primates have literally developed evolutionary techniques to confuse other male primates that their child isnt theirs because the male primate will commit infanticide. Humans do this willingly.

also like imagine if the roles were switched and the dude gets custody. Will a female marry him? Will she take care of another woman's child?
Sounds like an instant no right? And that man would be socially shamed for wanting her to raise another female's child while men have to do it and shut up. And if they don't they get shamed too

Don't think for one moment that a woman would ever happily raise someone else's offspring regardless of all the bullshit they spout about expecting men to 'step-up'. This duplicity by women (which is not present in men to anywhere near the same extent) is one of the major reasons why I hate women.



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