[JFL] Imagine raising another mans child
I laugh my ass off at every single one. Anyone who willingly raises another mans child deserves no respect and deserves to be laughed at hysterically. It's one thing for a wicked woman to cuck you and have you raise Chad's off spring unknowingly, but its another to know it's not yours and take care of it. All for some crumbs of used up pussy Chad already made his own.
Raising offspring that knowingly isn't yours is the antithesis of natural. Female primates have literally developed evolutionary techniques to confuse other male primates that their child isnt theirs because the male primate will commit infanticide. Humans do this willingly.
also like imagine if the roles were switched and the dude gets custody. Will a female marry him? Will she take care of another woman's child?
Sounds like an instant no right? And that man would be socially shamed for wanting her to raise another female's child while men have to do it and shut up. And if they don't they get shamed too
Don't think for one moment that a woman would ever happily raise someone else's offspring regardless of all the bullshit they spout about expecting men to 'step-up'. This duplicity by women (which is not present in men to anywhere near the same extent) is one of the major reasons why I hate women.
Foster parents.
They do so because they possess the humanity to raise someone else's child. And because they can .
The fact that their doing so makes you manbabies butthurt is an additional bonus , it seems.
@Anon-e-moose #55351
We have got to temper your schadenfreude, somehow...Are we here to sneer or to critique?!
That said, what is so important that father and child share genetics, to this lot? Why should the Other be unworthy of even basal compassion?
"Anyone who willingly raises another mans child deserves no respect and deserves to be laughed at hysterically."
Hmmm. So, you would point and laugh at someone with the empathy to extend love and compassion to a human being who is not directly extending their genes to the next generation.
And you think this makes you the superior being, not the crippled member of a typically gregarious species.
No wonder you'll die alone.
@Skyknight #55355
It's part of the incel mythos. All non-virgin brides have had one to two hundred lovers before marriage, all of them Chad. And she continues to fuck around after marriage, because she's addicted to Chad's dick, thus the odds are 200 to one that her kid is not your kid.
So, if you're not fucking a virgin, who you keep locked in the basement, then you just proved you're a cuckold.
So anyone who thinks they're happily married is really worse off than an incel, and those guys are pathetic clowns.
Their mythos more or less says that every single woman out there who isn’t as virginal as Madonna on the rocks has had sex a bajillion times with guys who act like Hunt from Final Destination, and apparently, it’s unforgivable because then some kissless sad sack of a virgin doesn’t get an innocent first time.
And then when they act like psychos around people and on the net, they’re surprised and horrified that they get “bullied” for this.
<@KeithInc. > #55368
I’m focusing more on what’s supposed to be so terrible about raising a different father’s child. Even if we have to look at things through vengeful eyes, wouldn’t imbuing the child with his ideals be revenge on Chad? (Not that this would be a good thing to do to the child, knowing incels.)
what’s supposed to be so terrible about raising a different father’s child
It's the old idea that every child is a continuation of his/her biological father's bloodline.
So if you as a man raise a child that isn't biologically yours, you're helping continue ANOTHER man's bloodline, not your own.
Which according to those old ideas incels are going by means that this other man has proven himself 'more manly' than you.
@Malingspann #55377
I’m still confused why the bloodline is more important than the...philosophy-line? What’s the bloodline’s purpose, exactly, that it trumps more mental/spiritual concerns?
We’re not our ancestors’ property, in any case.
@Anon-e-moose #55360
Having recently replayed Mass Effect 2, this led me to checking to see if a late game conversation was one of the examples of this trope.
It is number 2:
Shepard: You watch me or you watch organics?
Legion: Yes.
Shepard: Which?
Legion: Both.
Understand he is a mobile robotic platform running 1,183 Geth programs, so yeah, Mathematician’s Answers are to be expected.
@Skyknight #55372
Well, that's just it. It's not about the child. It's about the incel. Always about the incel. So if an incel has a kid, their mythology insists that it's not his kid, which makes the incel a cuckold. His former peers will point and laugh that he couldn't control his woman enough to just keep her for his orgasms.
@Skyknight #55380
What’s the bloodline’s purpose, exactly, that it trumps more mental/spiritual concerns?
'Cause of another ancient idea that incels appear to be going by: the bloodline = the family!
If any child you are raising isn't yours by blood , then said child is (allegedly) not part of the family, it's a "cuckoo* chick" parasite feeding off the family. And every family patriarch was seen as being on a never-ending Trial Of Manhood to ensure that HIS family wasn't infested by any such 'parasites'.
*It even has 'cuck' in it.
Aren’t these worthless goblins also constantly crowing about their “inferior” genetics? I find that even more amusing, while they bleat endlessly about step-families & how their own biological families hate them. Keep it coming, losers. Your bitter tears are delicious & help sustain my youth. Perhaps I should start bathing in their blood for continued vitality.
@Skyknight #55395
what was it acceptable to abjure even a bit of “manhood” for?
I did imagine it. I imagined that I managed to overcome my insecurities and doubts and managed to be the father a child needed when their own was gone or insufficient to the task. I imagined what it was like for them to introduce me as “Dad” and say they want to follow my example. I imagined stubborn disagreements and cooling off later to discover my pride at them finding their own way in life and standing by their own convictions. I imagined what it would be like to be the one they turned to in moments of doubt, to be the one they thanked for the ability to see themselves through hardship even after they left the nest. I even imagined what it would be like to be confronted with the return of a deadbeat dad and for my adopted child to stand by my side and ask their biological parent what he’d done to earn the name and how it could possibly measure up.
I uh… cried a bit, actually. Such a beautiful little dream is only a source of rage for you. But rather than do anything about your inferiority complex it is everyone else that must be torn down and stomped under your feet so you can feel as if you’ve been elevated somehow. You aren’t fit for fatherhood, you don’t even deserve such a sweet dream to comfort you at night.
I’ve actually just thought of a man I knew a few years ago, talking about his stepfather.
His stepfather was a Marine drill instructor at Parris Island, the largest United States Marine basic training facility. When his stepfather married his mother, and even before, he had already taken on full responsibility of being father to her children. When later this man I knew was a teenager, going through his rebellious phase, he was doing everything he could to embarrass his stepfather. Most especially playing up his bisexuality. His stepfather’s response is to keep proudly proclaiming that this teenage boy is his son, even while his son was wearing high heels and fishnet stockings.
He also taught all his children how to fight and how to survive, just as he’d teach any Marine. He taught this man I knew to be one of the best fighters I’ve ever known, and his stepfather was the one person he had no confidence he could beat. That’s to be expected though, Marine drill instructors are not known for being easily beaten in any fight.
Given their definition of manhood, I really suggest they go tell this Marine drill instructor stepfather that he’s not a man.
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