EternalUniverse1: Let me get this straight. I'm the bad guy simply because I want to fight back against all the psychotic monsters who simply want to rape and murder innocent people and want them to stop? You might as well say wanting to get rid of nazis is bigotry. The fact of the matter is reasoning with them is impossible and there's nothing left to do except fight. I can be reasonable when necessary, but until those animals stop attacking and murdering everything in sight in the name of Allah, there's nothing that can be done except fight. Give me one good reason why I'm a biggot.
jacket98764: 1:no one is denieying the rapes you moron
2:you are the bad guy for calling for a fucking so difficult to understand that?.
EternalUniverse1: Genocide!? Islam isn't even a race you half-wit! 4 out of 5 Muslims support Sharia, not excluding the migrants!
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