Thomas A. Anderson #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

More and more people are realizing that they are being lied to and cheated by those in power and that the representatives of the people do not represent the people. Large, global corporations and organizations are running our world. It is not presidents and chancellors who react to a country, but a few selected families. These family clans call the raw materials on earth their own, determine the price of gold and lend astronomical sums to warring countries. <...> This state of affairs has been deliberately brought about because, according to the wishes of the ruling family clans, the human race of the future will no longer need cash - and neither will many other things. But we humans are not only trapped in the financial system, but also in faith. The idea and necessity of a religion has been perverted and devilishly ingeniously used against humanity. We are modern slaves, that is the bitter truth. The countries of Europe - Germany in particular - are currently being overrun by immigrants against the will of a large part of the population and are being pressed into a financial and political straitjacket with payment obligations for huge sums of money. Is there perhaps a historical reason for these destinations? Is there a place in the past from which everything started? Are those whom we believe to be the ruling families - the so-called Illuminati - really the true masters of this world? Instead of living peacefully in a large family of nations, we live in fear of one another and wage war against one another. Cui bono? - Who benefits? All this is only possible because we do not know the true causes and the true history of our planet. In this book you will find answers - answers to the history of current and past terror with and on this planet, to the origins of humanity and the history of suffering on our planet. Illig's phantom time problem is finally solved and the world's calendars are explained in detail.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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