various commenters #wingnut #racist
The one (and literally only) thing I miss about Twitter is that over there we got to make contact, and do battle, with actual blatant Leftist anti-Whites
Here on Gab, all we do is infight with our own people, because it's essentially just one big echo chamber.
Almost every day on Gab I see our own guys, open pro-Whites, battling it out with each other as if either one is somehow an anti-White. Fighting over the pettiest of bullshit (most often over who's the smartest or most educated, blah, blah, blah).
As if fighting our own fellow pro-Whites is the key to victory over anti-Whites...
@Nature_and_Race -- Perhaps, there should be a focus on red-pilling Trump conservatives on GAB?
@NSSAP @Nature_and_Race There was a poll going around recently. Redpilling the Normies was one of the leading issues.
@844steamtrain @NSSAP @Nature_and_Race Yup. It's exhausting trying to explain the difference between a Nazi and a Commie.
@Nature_and_Race We have leftists here, the Republican/MAGA crowd just hasn't come to terms yet with how far left their ideology has moved.
That said, there is indeed as huge lack of unironic far-leftists here though. There are of course the trolls and the shills, but they aren't really authentic, nor try to argue their positions, but just stir up arguments and waste time.
@ActualFed @Nature_and_Race What have conservatards conserved?
@Nature_and_Race I've noted this before myself
It might be better if we had a lot of leftists and other scum on Gab simply because then we would form ranks against them and cease infighting
@88ffhh3 @Nature_and_Race I don't see a need to fight with any right wing whites because all we fight about are details. I'm a perfect example-- I love Jews, yet I'll live with Nazis because I understand them, and family is my family is my family most of all. I want my family's DNA expression to marinade us so we experience our rightful spiritual peace and guidance, and also don't go extinct.