whitehouse90310 & Ruthless #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Biden's restaurant bailout limited to only Black and Hispanic businesses

What restaurant businesses do U.S.A Negroes / non-immigrant Blacks / descendants of antebellum slavery own?

The only 'Black' food businesses I have ever seen in the States were owned by Haitians and Jamaicans in south Florida. I know there are African and Caribbean immigrant businesses in Washington DC too. So is it these Black immigrant restaurants that are the bailout beneficiaries?

Restaurants are mostly owned by Asians (south Asians such as Bangladeshis / Bengalis, Indians, as well as East Asians from China, Vietnam etc), and Mestizos from Mexico, Central America etc. There are also many Turkish, Arab, central Asian etc restaurant businesses.

The argument here should focus on the fact Whites are excluded from receiving our own Tax money back as a business 'bailout'.

Proof the scamdemic was planned. jews brought the entire planet to a screeching halt just to screw over whitey. Lockdowns didn't effect jew owned corporations or non-whites on welfare. It screwed over the White working class while making jews and generational welfare recipients richer. The bailouts are all backdoor reparations to put out of business whatever Whites were still able to hold onto and give negroes a lift up. It's like the Holodomor and Zimbabwe tactics combined.



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