Iamnothere000 #psycho #sexist incels.is
Sexual trafficking is the real incel rebellion / beta uprising.
(cucked disclaimer: everything below is just theoretical rambling, I’m a good boy who respects women, I promise)
TL;DR: The real incel rebellion is the constantly increasing sexual trafficking.
When I first heard of the concept of the incel rebellion my mind was immediately filled with apocalyptical scenes:
Gun wielding manlets would roam the streets, shooting everything that is female or cucked.
Communication and infrastructure would collapse, destroyed by disgruntled STEM- and wage´cels.
Emotionally dead gymcels would hunt down and strangle the life out of their former bullies and hoist the bodies from bridges and lamp poles while the bully’s former girlfriends tremble in fear and submissive arousal.
Army and Law Enforcement would be totally apathetic, unwilling to risk their lives just to defend the ungrateful masses who hate them anyway unless they need protection.
(side note: I’m writing this in the same room with my boss who is having a job interview with my next possible coworker, he thinks I’m working hard on our next medical software tool, this arouses me)
However, as cathartic and amusing such scenes would be (in Minecraft), as unlikely are they to actually happen, at least for now. The number of incels that actually realize their situation is yet too small. Too high is the inhibition. Too comfortable are the copes. And incels are too socially stunted to develop the necessary pack-mentality to coordinate such an endeavor.
For the foreseeable future, the incel rebellion will have to be content with small singular acts of hERoic resistance (which shall also only ever be realized in Minecraft).
But there is another way in which the consequences of rampant hypergamy and whoredome manifest themselves: …sexual trafficking.
About 70% of trafficking victims are female.
Human trafficking is taking on “horrific dimensions”, despite growing efforts, awareness and attention by government, human rights and feminist groups.
Sexual trafficking, as an expression of the incel/beta rebellion, has several key differences in comparison to the scenario above:
-incredible difficult to counter
-no concerted effort necessary, just a hand full of low inhibit-individuals (don’t even have to be incels)
-social life and infrastructure stays intact, our copes are save
-low public awareness, no panicking normies
A textbook example of this scenario unfolding would be china, where the high gender imbalance leads to an ever increasing demand for sex slaves. And since such activity does not disturb the highly conformist society of china, this trend will only continue. I am willing to bet that the Chinese government is actually fine with sexual trafficking for the benefit of the countless supernumerary men as it keeps (the most aggressive of) them docile and averts the demographic crisis the country is heading into.
(To be fair, the Chinese situation was mainly caused by the retarded one child policy but the result is the same as with female hypergamy: Men with no girlfriend/relationship/marriage/family prospects)
Some people, especially the fine gentlepeople at IT, might argue that women should be able to behave as they want (within the bounds of the law) without suffering the thread of sexual slavery.
For those people I would like to lay out the basic facts:
Men want sex/offspring. Women can provide this. Men are stronger than women. Harming something is way easier than defending something.
The rest is just social negotiation.