Runemasque #transphobia

In the days after my son announced he was a woman, he was ecstatic, thinking everyone was on board (I was listening and asking questions and ordering my mind). He was giddy explaining how excited he was to get thigh high boots finally and how they'd look. Now, how would he be tapped into that? I realized that the porn that I had some awareness of was facilitating a fantasy. I could not ethically nor honestly participate in what, to me, had become a fantastical ritual given very very grand and heavy meaning. I am not going to go to the trans church and say I believe in the god when I don't, and when I can see that, for my grown son, it has been attributed with the meaning of everything. Add sex to the meaning-making, and it is a very potent attachment. I don't see how I can participate in that.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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