Ally Week, Sept 23-27: This week the gay mafia pressures your kid to become a warrior for the cause of the LGBTQWTF agenda items under the guise of being a good friend to others. Mission America writes, “It’s a peer-pressured, mob mentality seeking knee-jerk acceptance, at the same time isolating and marginalizing those who decline and labeling them as ‘haters’ and ‘bigots.’” Reminder: children who are Catholic, evangelical, or Muslim would automatically be put into a prejudicial category by default if they did not renounce their religious teaching.
Bisexual Awareness Day, September 23: Is this necessary? Is there a Catholic Awareness Day where public schools teach others to be tolerant of devout Catholics who believe in chastity? I don’t think so…nope. Just Googled it. Doesn’t exist.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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