Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault. Spending money to defeat great Republican candidates instead of backing Blake Masters and others was a big mistake. Giving 4 Trillion Dollars to the Radical Left for the Green New Deal, not Infrastructure, was an even bigger mistake. He blew the Midterms, and everyone despises him and his otherwise lovely wife, Coco Chow!

( @AnkokuKishi )

It's your fault for operation warp speed you fucking kike owned murderer. When are you going to take responsibility for the millions you murdered and maimed?

( @CDMele )
@realdonaldtrump Let us know when you plan to do something more than talk. DeSantis 2024 is sounding pretty darn good at this point in the people's abandonment.

( @My48 )
@CDMele @realdonaldtrump
He's a plant. Research him. When something is too good to be true, 99% of time it's a setup.

( @CDMele )
@My48 @realdonaldtrump No forces medical experiments (on the children). No rigged elections. No fragonian lockups. Booming Floridian economy. I'm sold. DJT did the exact opposite, "Gotta get the (toxic) shot. Warp Speed. Gotta get the other trillion dollar profit, toxic gene therapy shit. Gotta live with the stolen elections. Don't worry about the demolition of your country, career, school system and let you children go. Fuck that!

( @SolidAF )
@realdonaldtrump It’s your fault! We elected you to lock her up! You did good things but not any of things we elected you to do. We chanted drain the swamp and lock her up and you did nothing. You failed

( @Vegasmar6 )
@SolidAF @realdonaldtrump I agree. The democrats were on him 24/7 but he could have done the same to them. Crickets. Republicans were getting locked up and democrats smirking at all their crimes. We knew the election was going to be stolen and he should have had precautions in place. Democrats stole the Nevada election again! It’s either War or we’re done.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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