various commenters #transphobia

RE: “Just talk to trans people!” Unfortunately, I do.

( Radishe )
I've known a number of trans people in my life. Every single one of them had extreme mental health issues. I know the few I've known are a small representation of the whole, but the whole mindset of desperately needing the world to validate your delusion has to take its toll.

( RusticTroglodyte )
To be a trans identifying male, you have to be severely mentally ill and narcissistic. I have a double standard for women who transition and idgaf if it's unfair. Tifs transition for other reasons. A lot of them have PTSD, histories of childhood abuse, trauma, etc. They might have mental illness, but I don't think they're automatically narcs like I do with tims

( OwnLyingEyes )
Every other delusional disorder/dysphoria, the goal in treatment is to try to gently bring them back to reality. Not just because of the one delusion itself, which is quite possibly something small and seemingly harmless at the outset, but because the strain of maintaining it makes their mental health deteriorate more broadly as well. Because maintaining it tends to mean withdrawing from more and more of any aspect of reality that contradicts that belief. Why we don't treat gender dysphoria in line with what we know to be established practice in regards to other distorted perceptions seems sinister.

( mathlover )
I tell everyone to talk to lots of "trans" people. Enough to get to know them, till they start speaking unguardedly. Everyone who does this finds that:

(a) The TIMs are virtually all mentally unstable, viciously mysogynist, sexual predators, and drenched with the worst male socialization. People wind up realizing that TIMs should never be anywhere near women. Getting to know TIMs creates TERFs.

(b) The TIFs really are just fleeing womanhood like a house on fire. As obnoxious as some TIFs can be, people come away with some measure of pity for these (mostly) girls and young women.



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