Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist

The issues families can have with Mulan are violence, false gods, spirits, praying to ancestors, cross dressing and more. Mulan is a woman that dresses like a man to serve in the military in the place of her disabled father. Male characters dress and act like females in Mulan later in the movie. Is this movie part of the reason for the massive societal increases in gender dysphoria?

Mulan does have some humorous moments. The scene with the match maker is one that had me rolling. That cricket was not always lucky. Or maybe it used all its luck keeping the grandmother safe walking across the street. Mulan could also be considered part of the war on men. Mulan shows women being oppressed and smarter than men. Men are consistently attacked in Mulan. No wonder I did not want to watch it back in the day.

Mulan is based in China, and she is shown as saving the emperor from the Hun Army. A few of the Huns make it out of the avalanche and Mulan comes and saves the day again. At this point the men follow her as she helps defeat the ruler. Mulan does not look or even feel very realistic to me. I know Disney keeps pushing their radical agenda on families. Even as far back as this movie.



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