RE: [RageFuel] Pastor who became an Onlyfans star is now a BILLIONAIRE (moneycopers DO NOT ENTER)
Gender paygap DESTROYED RIGHT HERE. There's no coming back after what we've just seen. You can't pretend anymore, you can't deny it, you can't argue that this foid got what she got because of vagina and vagina alone. Socialists will never beat it. Internet, dating apps, tiktok and now this did (in fucking 5-10 years, just think about it) more to empower women than 70 years of women's rights movement.
IT, challenge this you worthless morons, do one useful thing in your meaningless lives. Just come up with anything to explain that in a way which doesn't expose the harsh truth of the blackpill and vagina's privilege.
”In this case it’s not purely her looks that are causing simps to throw cash at her hand over fist. It’s the taboo aspect of a supposed once holy and religious goody goody individual getting down and dirty and being the filthy fucking whore that she truly is.”
Imaging going to church to hear a female pastor preach Is there a more cucked religion than Lutheranism?
Protestantism is a herecy devised by jews to divert people from Christ. First catholicism then myriad of heretic teachings and schisms to divide and destroy christianity. It's no coincidence that the most cucked nations in the world are majorly protestant.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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