Pomidor Quixote #racist dailystormer.name
[From "Paying for Dead Migrants: America Does Corpse Storage, Autopsies, and Identification"]
American taxpayers aren’t just getting terribly abused by living “asylum” seekers — dead ones are also draining their pockets.
One Texas border county medical examiner’s office faces the overwhelming task of storing, autopsying, and identifying the remains of migrants who die while or after crossing into the U.S. The office serves a 12-county area and processes more than half of all migrant deaths in Texas.
Webb County Medical Examiner Dr. Corinne Stern told Breitbart News on New Year’s Day that her office processed the remains of a record 171 deceased migrants. She said this is the highest number she has ever witnessed on the job. The number of deaths along the entire Texas-Mexico border during 2019 exceeded 220.
One may ask why it is the responsibility of Americans to take care of the corpses of freeloaders that invaded their territory.
The answer to that is that taking care of migrants — dead or alive — is who we are.
[Picture from the Care Bears]
That’s also the reason why we can’t just sweep the corpses to the other side of the border.
Our Values as a Democracy state that foreigners have a Human Right to force the American taxpayer to spend money on the processing of asylum claims, on medical attention, food and shelter for living invaders, and on processing the corpses of dead invaders.
We cannot allow more of these valuable Mordorlings to die due to our inaction.
If we want them to save our economy with the next-generation economic skills that they’ve used to make their own countries great, we have to ensure their safe crossing.