Similarly, I've thrown out all of the bigoted propaganda I found in any form, including my copies of Noam Chomsky's work, various neo-Nazi tracts, and the writings of Francis Fukuyama. All of them have a one-size-fits-all approach to the world, and want to make me and everyone else conform to it. I think this is passive, and cowardly. My view instead is that I assert my right to have a preference for my culture, and I pick traditional Indo-European culture, and in that ethnocultural unit, there's a right way and a wrong way to do things. There's a right way to interpret philosophy, which hovers somewhere on the Nietzsche-Schopenhauer-Heidegger axis, and a right way to interpret literature so that it upholds our culture values. There's a right way to interpret music, so that Beethoven does not become schmaltz but preserves the full Faustian, Romantic, passionate and terrifying spirit of confronting reality - in the Germanic view. And finally, there's a right way to interpret ethnicity, which is to exclude all people who are not of Germanic ethnic and cultural heritage. You must have both; one alone ("I'm German and I like to smoke methamphetamine, vote Democratic, and have sex with many women at once") doesn't qualify. You must be both German in cultural outlook, and thus behavior, and in ethnicity, or heritage. Is this bigotry? On the contrary, it's bigotry to reject this view.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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