@DragonKitigan #transphobia gettr.com


I honestly don’t understand how people think they are going to fight back this whole gender insanity by continuing to support the narrative there is any coherent category of people who can be identitied as “transgender.” The word is an ad campaign for deconstructing humanity.






#BuckTheBoomerGroomer <<< keep this fake man selling sex toys on Twitter, away from all children

#UpperCaseChaseIsAGroomer <<<looks like she’s pushing 50, but is in her mid 30s. Too bad u fucked yourself out of the best sexy times in most womens lives: their dirty 30s. Way to go Chase. I have zero fucks to give about what you did to yourself. Apologize, like a good Canadian is trained to do, & I’ll consider forgiving you, once you use the money you duped out of vulnerable kids & set up mental health services denied, as of this moment to me as a detransitioner. Until then, kindly go fuck yourself.





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