Jennifer Bilek & various commenters #transphobia

( Jennifer Bilek )
Do you really think worldwide governments are dramatically & rapidly overhauling language, laws & societies organized around our species sexual dimorphism so a few people with body dysmorphia can feel included?


( @KrizoSusanna )
Nah, they're using them to get rid of the family, women's rights and children's rights. We'll all be lumped into a group of gender-neutral humans who have no feelings and work for those in power as the pronoun nonsense ends the moment they get their goal as does the family.

( @pedro_loftus )
Transgenderism is about normalising the idea that tiny minorities have the right to lord it over the rest of society: to impose their will.

That’s the insidious message that elites want to indoctrinate into people from a young age, so they willingly accept their status as serfs.

( @Exoconscious )
No, these actions are essential steps in acceptance of transhumanism and relinquishing human rights, spiritual connection, critical thinking, and biology to artificial field of reality.

( @KatyKircher )
It's not people with gender dysmorphia. It's men who get a kick out of wearing women's clothing. Men who refuse to have any reassignment treatment at all. Men who hate women. Men who claim they are women in order to sexually harass lesbians.
It's bully, violent, threatening MEN.



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