[Blackpill] Bluepill is a cult that will ruin your life
I think it is a scheme that feminist society invented to keep undesirable men in check and full of hope, until society crushes them and they lose all hope and rope.
The false optimism, the fake anecdotes and the slave morality imposed on us are all schemes to manipulate low status men into working hard for society that never rewards them for as long as possible.
You are constantly lied to about sexual relationships, marriage and the job market. You're told people are good when in reality everyone only cares about themselves(most likely that even your normie parents don't really care about you).
Bluepill makes you a slave for the privileged(attractive & rich) people in society.
Blackpill is the truth that sets you free.
I suggest reading the scientific blackpill page on incel.wiki and the book The blackpill theory: why incels are right and you are wrong to fully digest the blackpill.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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