Alighieri & HikikunDeformis #sexist #psycho

Ukrainian foids have entered the fight

Reality or simply Ukrainian propaganda? I wish I was a Russian soldier right now. Imagine having your way with captured femoids. Does this mean Russian incels get to ascend? The bastards, how I envy them.

Propaganda to rally up the soys in a frenzy where they will risk their lives.

Reality is that Ukraine has more than enough male fighters but not enough gear. Adding a bunch of useless women to the mix who can't even do the shittiest grunt work well like shoot a firearm on a competent level is moronic. Women are just going to hold you back.

These whores might actually serve though but they will be kept way in the back 50 100 km away from any frontline fighting. And if by chance fight comes to them they will surrender and flop like a flaccid penis



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