LittleDixie #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut

"Black Culture" is sabotage

Take a moment and think of what success looks like.

Do you picture drugs, guns and promiscuity? Is the most important thing in a successful life violence or the potential for it? Is it joblessness? Is it flamboyantly spending money on booze, drugs and hedonism? Is it a flashy car or expensive jewelry? Is it a long record of sexual conquests? Do you imagine any of that is a template for success?

Black people were sold an identity - that of the gangster. A vast cultural movement was pushed on black people, a movement based off of honor culture (violence), criminality and poor life choices. If you look at "black culture" with an honest eye, you'll see that it is a template for failure, poor health, broken families and poverty. Added on top of this is the victimhood mentality, which eliminates the possibility that anyone with it could recognize that their actions are the cause of their poor outcomes. It is almost like "black culture" is a psychological weapon against all black people, and it has done more damage to them anything else.

Yes, we deserve better than to have people like you being racists. None of us asked for that, nor did we ask for you to intentionally attack our people. Repeatedly and with great precision. Even the ideals that you pretend to cling to have been denied to us.

I used to care when people called me racist. But, it's so ubiquitous whenever I talk to people on the Left, I find it hard to take seriously anymore. Believe what you want, I'm not going to play your stupid game.

"Black culture" is cancer. And to be clear, I don't mean that anything black people do is bad, but that a nucleus of very toxic attitudes has been socialized into black people. There's not much in "black culture" that will make anyone successful. It will just lead to more fatherlessness, crime, violence and poverty.

Can you find a cultural movement that is being sold to any other race that is as harmful and negative as the one being pushed on black people? Do you see a corollary in any other race?

Myron says other races laugh at blacks for victim mindset



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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