And they are exactly right. Males will now be free to waltz into work in female dress and their employers can do nothing about it. Eighteen-year-old girls who have mutilated their bodies to try to become male will be able to sue the family restaurant that doesn’t hire them. Restrooms, locker rooms and women’s shelters will just go ahead and allow males who say they are women to enter female spaces. Never forget, these folks have never respected laws or rules, and they specialize in pushing the limits all the time.
God help us.
This never had to happen. The heartbreak and tragedy that will roll out from this decision will be visited on many families who never saw it coming as their children become deeply corrupted because there is nothing to hold back the depraved indoctrination of "out" teachers, coaches, camp counselors, etc. We have empowered an anti-Christian arrogance that will not stop at the church house door, but will storm right in.
And this was always a solution in search of a problem. There are very few cases where people are fired today based solely on homosexual or gender deviant behavior. What this case represented is the key that opens every door to the fondest dreams of the homosexual activists, and that is to be able to silence objectors and intimidate those who might possibly criticize or challenge whatever they demand.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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